I know! But hear me out!
A wacky moon theory!
Yet another theory of how Earth’s moon was created.
Earth’s wobble could have played a role in the Moon’s formation through an intense Dzhanibekov effect. This idea, though unconventional, can be tested and explored further.
Imagine the early Earth, partially molten, unbalanced, and unstable, experiencing a dramatic Dzhanibekov correction effect. This intense event causes a massive chunk to break off, forming the smaller celestial body we now call the Moon. Although this isn’t an official scientific theory, it’s an intriguing idea based on a blend of scientific facts and imagination.
There might have been a significant impact between two celestial bodies early on, on Earth, but that did not create the moon directly. It just created an unbalanced and extremely wobbly earth.
When the spinning Earth underwent a powerful Dzhanibekov flip, it ejected a large portion of itself. This separation might resemble the behavior of floating liquids that form specific sizes when exposed to vibration.
You might think the intense gravity of the Earth would prevent such a mechanism, but the truth is that it all boils down to the energy; considering a massive Dzhanibekob event…